Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome Payton

Smith Family Reunion

Sunday, August 8th, 2008 was the Smith Family Reunion
(dad's mom's side) at Leechburgh Park. Of course, we had to get the four generations picture, which is below.
My Dad, Grandma Frye, Payton and I

The Frye Family:

Rachael, Dad, Mom, Grandma Frye, Payton, Patrick, and I

Grandma's sister, Aunt Bev

Grandma's sister, Aunt Betty

Grandma's sister, Aunt Midge

Sleeping with the towel from Mom and Dad's Jeep. I'm a bad mom and forgot her blankie!!
Where IS my head!!??

I heart Auntie Rayhole!!

Pappy keepin Paytie warm. It was chilly that day!

Grammy isn't thrilled to see her Granddaughter, is she??

Burp the baby!

The Happy Threesome!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Kara, Jim, & Caleb's Party at Libby's House 8.1.08

Payton and Molly Just Hanging Out!!

Asleep At Last!!

Cutie Patootie!!

I love my Daddy!!

Nice to meet you Cousin Monica!

I love my Grandma Bibby!

Chubby Cheeks


Isabella and Payton

Jess, Isabella, and Payton

"I loved meeting all of the Gaggini's and Hetrick's!! Can't wait to see you all again!!" Love, Payton

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Payton's Bathtime

Her First Bath!! June 8th, 2008

Not Really Liking My Bathtime Just Yet!!
June 13th, 2008

"I am SOO darn cute in my Hoodie Winnie Towel!"
July 31st, 2008


"I love my mommy!!"

Patrick's Girls!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Payton's Baptism

We had Payton baptised on July 13th, 2008 at 10:45am at Zion United Methodist Church in Sarver. Pastor Howard Greenfield and Pastor Kathy Mikesell were the officiants. We felt very blessed to have these wonderful people be apart of our special day! My mom, dad, and sister and patricks mom, dad and sister all stood for Payton as she was baptised. Having them and also many other family members there to witness and be apart of this joyous day meant the world to us!!

This was her first "fitting" after it arrived and as you can see, she LOVES her dress!!

This joyous event was so overwhelming for me. I cried with happiness knowing that God will be brought into her life through Patrick, our families and me.

The church family promised to watch over Payton and guide her in all of her life's choices!!

Payton was SO good through all of this!! She didn't cry at all. She had a bottle and fell asleep during the sermon. What a good baby!!!

We had lunch at our house afterwards. Thanks again SO much to Aunt Colette and Uncle Jim for coming over while we were at church to help get the food ready and set up!! It really helped us out and let us enjoy Paytons day and our families!

My dad with his Grandbaby girl Paytie!

Yummy Rasberry Filled cake!! MMMMM!
My sister Rachael, my mom Janet, me, my Grandma Hazel and Paytie.

Patrick, Allison, Libby, Bernie, Gram Gini and Miss Payton

Libby, my mom and I laughed at the conversation that was going on here!! We could only imagine what they were saying, repeating, or had trouble getting out!!LOL

Thanks to all who came and shared this special day with us! We love you all very much:)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Just Arrived!!

Hello!! Patrick and I thought it would be great to start our own blog to keep our friends and family up-to-date on our new edition, Miss Payton Leah Bundy, (May 22, 2008, 8:46 am) and all of the exciting milestones that we are experiencing!! This is a really exciting time for us and we want you all to be able to share it with us! Can't wait to hear from everyone !!!